Call for Special Sessions Proposals
CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics. At this time we invite you to propose special sessions for CBMI 2025. Special sessions are dedicated conference sessions, each focusing on one state-of-the-art research direction within the content-based multimedia indexing field. Special session papers, which can be invited or submitted, will supplement the regular research papers and be included in the proceedings of CBMI 2025. All special session papers will be subject to the standard rigorous review process for CBMI.
Special session proposals must be submitted by email to the special session chairs ( using subject “CBMI 2025 Special Session Proposal” by 17 February 2025. Proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance to CBMI, qualifications of the organiser(s), and the quality and community interest of the topic/proposed potential papers. Required details for proposals are described below.
Usually, each special session should consist of four to six full-papers. In order to ensure the high quality of all conference papers, all papers submitted to special sessions at CBMI 2025 will be peer-reviewed through a standard review process. If a special session has many high-quality submissions, some of the submissions may potentially be moved to some regular sessions.
The review process will be coordinated with the regular technical program review process, as coordinated by the TPC chairs. The organisers of each special session must 2 reviews per submitted/invited paper, while the regular program committee will provide 1-2 additional reviews. Final decision on acceptance/rejection will be made in collaboration between the special session chairs and the CBMI 2025 TPC chairs.
Please include the following information in your proposal:
- Title of the proposed special session.
- Name, affiliation, brief biography and contact information for each of the organisers.
- A session abstract including significance justification and a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of the proposed special session topic. Note: The session abstract should be in a format that can be copied directly to the conference website to advertise the session.
- Note: The session abstract should be in a format that can be copied directly to the conference website to advertise the session.
- List of potential papers if available, including for each paper: tentative title, author list, and preferably a short abstract.
- Proposal for arrangement of the reviews from session organizers (e.g., list of members of mini-PC for the special session).
- Description of the session format (e.g., conventional technical talks, short talks & panel discussion, etc..).